Thursday, November 15, 2012

Current Connection: #1 2nd 9 wks.

In an article, published by Fox News titled, "Government report on secret flying saucer program made," informs their readers by telling them about the program and describing the details of the saucer.

Evidence from the report tells, “The NDC in College Park, Md., opened one of more than 100 cardboard boxes from the Air Force recently and came across a 114 page document from 1956 sure to interest the tin-foil-hat crowd; a document describing a secret program by the Air Force to wild a flying saucer.” They tell about how they discovered a flying saucer. There was a document hiding a secret to make this saucer.

The author also explains, “It reveals that the Air Force had contracted the construction of the craft to a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Limited in Ontario.” They basically planned to make this saucer in a Canadian Company in Ontario.

Lastly they reported, “The disk-shaped craft, which comes complete with an ejector seat and was powered by a ‘ram jet’ was designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4, was designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4 and reach a ceiling of more than 100,000 feet…” The flying saucer was designed to reach a ceiling of more than 100,000 feet. And has an eject seat along with that it reaches a high speed of Mach 4.

I have always thought about how cool it would be if a flying saucer really did exist. As a child, I would remember seeing flying saucers on cartoons.
The author has informed us about the flying saucer they had planned to make.

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